Dermatologist's Choice offers two treatment creams with our flagship non-neutralized glycolic acid. Are you wondering which one is best for you? Our team and lover of the Ultra Anti-Aging cream, Connie, will share her experience and knowledge of the two products with you. Keep in mind, everyone's skin is different. What may work for one may not work for another. Plus, you may want to start with the milder Facial Enhancement Cream and graduate to the more potent Ultra Anti-Aging Cream for faster results. It really comes down to finding a balance and what your skin can tolerate and most importantly, the results you're looking for.
Here is Connie's take.
I personally recommend the Ultra Anti-Aging Cream, as it is best for women and men over 40 years to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes, mouth, and forehead. It is formulated with 15% non-neutralized glycolic acid, that makes it tingle a bit- but that is the true sign that it's working!

When applied over 2-3 months, you will notice the exfoliation of the dead skin cells around these areas, a brighter skin tone, and new collagen rich skin underneath! The Ultra Anti-Aging Cream has improved my skin dramatically over the last 20 years. I use it faithfully 3-4 times/week under my eyes and on my face and neck. I add some Dermatologist's Choice sunscreen enhanced moisturizer on top of the Ultra Anti-Aging Cream. There is no need for base make-up! Just a little powder & you're ready to go! The formula was created by Dr. B. for use on his patients 40 years ago in his many offices. It's clinically proven for results & over time, you will see the direct result of the glycolic in action!
It is not for use for children or younger people, as your skin has not shown the effects of time and wrinkles yet. It is my "go to" product I must have in my mature daily skin care routine!
The Facial Enhancement Cream is a milder form of a rejuvenating facial moisturizer and treatment cream made for every day usage, for all ages and genders. It is not as strong as the Ultra Anti-Aging Cream, as the glycolic is a milder formulation, however the moisture rich cream serves beautifully as either a day or night enhancement cream.

It seals the moisture in your skin, doesn't create dryness, and smooths the appearance of older more worn fine lines & wrinkles. Bonus, the Facial Enhancement reduces breakouts when applied regularly. It makes your skin more susceptible to an overall flawless look without even wearing make up.
I suggest everyday usage (night too) if you want extra moisture protection & nutrients. Every age benefits from the Facial Enhancement Cream. It is especially good for sensitive skin that would not normally tolerate a stronger concentration of glycolic. It is mild and moisturizing- great for gifts for all ages!
Which one have you decided is best for you? Are you choosing the Ultra Anti-Aging Cream or Facial Enhancement? Do you still have some questions?
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